Reaching Out

So, even though I hardly use this blog anymore, it seems to have somehow gather a new following. Without any help on my part, more people are clicking on my blog, following me here and even leaving comments.

As I hate the idea of leaving anyone in the dark, I will be restating this blog and hopefully posting at least once a week for your reading pleasure.

So, the question is, what would you like to see or see more of on this blog? What was it that drew you to this blog in the first place? I want to make sure that I provide content that you are searching for and that will keep you coming back for more. So please let me know in the comments below.

Dusting Off The Old Blog

Holy smokes! It’s amazing how must dust can build up when you’ve been away from your own blog for a few years. It has been a crazy few years with many reincarnations of blogs and my crafty obsessions.

But now I have returned with the idea of bring this little blog back into the light. I miss talk about knitting/ crochet and hot guys. I even miss talking about hot guys wearing knitting/crochet.

I will be making a few changes to the blog. Most likely updating the format and definitely changing the name. As much as I loved being called Liver Chick, I think now that I’m easing up on 40, it might be time for a more mature title for myself. (only the title of the blog will be more mature, not the actual blogger).

so, there you have it. I return to the old blog for a new crop of fiber addicts. I hope you enjoy the comeback.

Treading So Lightly

I have been treading very lightly recently. The sudden and very recent lost of my mother should have caused the sudden shift in reality. But it has not. I’m still me and that seems strange.

I’ve been waiting for grief to come. I prepared myself with days off and lots of ice cream, but nothing. I have given myself complete permission to cry, but the tears won’t come. What gives? I see the rest of my family in deep and obvious mourning and yet I feel completely. . . normal. Am I too much in shock? Has my mind just not been able to process what has happened? Or, as my siblings would say, I’m wired differently? I have only ever cried at one funeral and that was the one for my son.  But I wasn’t crying over just the lost of my son. It was the accumulation of all my losses that caused me to cry. The loss of a natural childbirth, the loss of my liver, the loss of good health, the loss of my ability to ever have kids, the loss of my husband being able to pass on his family name, the loss of a grandchild for my mom and in-laws, the loss of what use to be my life.

Then it occurred to me why I haven’t mourned the way I thought I would or should. After my son died, the first thing I thought of was to finish knitting the sweater I was making for him before I got sick. Why would I make a sweater for a child already gone and buried? Because I had to. It was my way of grieve. In each stitch I held on to his memory and also I learned to let him go. It was a strange thing to do, but for me it felt perfectly normal and right. I finished the sweater for him and I have kept it with me.

A day after my mom passed away, I went to Hobby Lobby and bought yarn. I didn’t need any. I didn’t even know why on Earth I had even stopped at the store. I’m guessing I just needed some place that felt safe and quite where I could wander around and just be with my own thoughts. I saw the yarn, felt it and grabbed for skeins of it. It was soft and I wanted it- those were my only reasons for buying it. I came home with the yarn having no clue what to do with it. I didn’t even look to see what yarn it was until I got home. Diva Sequin yarn. I searched Ravelry trying to find a pattern to use the yarn, but nothing looked appealing to me. I looked at my bookcase crammed with knitting books and magazines. What was the use of having all that stuff if I never used a damn pattern out any of it? Shuffling through Vogue Knitting and Knitter’s Magazine I stumbled upon a book that I bought months ago. The Prayer Shawl Companion looked up at me from its space tucked between magazines. I flipped through its pages and fell in love with the Sabbath Shawl. I don’t do lace and had never done anything that complicated before, but I couldn’t take my eyes of the pattern. Why had I never noticed this pattern before. “Because I never needed it until now”, said a voice in my head. I started on the shawl that night.

Each day now I work on the shawl. I find that I feel lost if I go too long without putting in a few stitches. I need this shawl to be made. It is comforting to knit. It’s soft texture and colors are soothing. It is pretty to look at. This shawl has become my way of grieving. With each stitch I remember my mother and I let her go. Her memorial service will be this weekend. Will I be able to cry then? I don’t know. But I will know that tucked in my bag will be my knitting needles and this shawl.


My shawl of remembering and letting go.

My shawl of remembering and letting go.

Hello? Is this thing On?

Wow, long time no see. Well, I would like to tell you that I’ve been working on some fantastic knitting book or traveling the country teaching knitting classes, but nope, nothing cool like that ever happened. Instead, my life has been filled with the ups and downs of just getting through life. You know, sometimes life just gets in the way of blogging about life.

So, have I been doing any knitting while I’ve been away? Unless you count the little blankets I’ve been knitting for princess’ ever growing Barbie collect, really not much.

Somewhere along the lines I got hooked on needle tatting and really haven’t had a reason to pick of the needles again. Until now.

With so many of my friends breeding like rabbits these days, I’ve gotten the itch to knit baby items. I am currently working on a sweater from the book Special Knits by Debbie Bliss.

Wait, what about the sock knitting you ask? I haven’t been inspired to produce anymore socks lately. I think my sock knitting muse has left me for good. I think my refusal to make Lady Gaga- inspired socks was what finally did it.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

So, now what will I be talking about on my blog? Not sure, but whatever it is, I’m sure it will be fun and involve yarn.

Right now you can catch me musing about my tatting at

Cover of "Special Knits: 22 Gorgeous Hand...

Special Knits by Debbie Bliss


One Woman’s Trash Will Always Be My Treasure

It’s hard to believe that both Tom Cruise and Robert Pattinson are both single while I’m in a relationship. So unfair.

Although your ex’s may have treated you both like trash, don’t forget the million of women around the world who would gladly take their place by your side.

Ladies, let’s show some love to these broken-hearted cuties and to your own cutie at home by knitting on of these manly scarves that may lead to warming more than just their neck if you play your cards right.

And to all my single ladies- get out there and turn on the charm. Robert and Tom won’t stay single forever!

Winterbourne Scarf by Smariek


Henry Scarf by Mareike Sattler


Frostlight Scarf by Robin Ulrich

Show Some Love to the Brits!

With all the British love going around now that the Olympics have started, I thought it would be fitting to share some British inspired knits. If you don’t already have some knitting in your hands as you cheer Michael Phelps on to winning another gold medal, then maybe one of these quick knits below will get your hands itching to move as you watch those sexy guys playing volleyball.


Best of British Bunting by McAree Brothers


Union Jack Teacosy by Anna Elliott


British Flag by Anna Felder


God Save The Queen Gauntlets by Chris Abbott

One of a Kind Show and Etsy

It’s that time of year again. Time to apply to participate in the Etsy Pavillion at the One of a Kind Show and Sale in Chicago.

So what is the OOAK Show? Well, taken directly from their website:

The 12th annual One of a Kind Show and Sale Chicago® is Chicago’s holiday shopping show! A refreshing alternative to traditional retail, the show is the ideal place to find one-of-a-kind gifts for everyone on your holiday list. More than 600 talented artists from across North America will bring their imaginative, handmade creations to this year’s show offering a wide range of media and categories including fashion, fiber arts, jewelry, mixed media, kids, paper. . . and the list goes on!

Made by Kuketa

Basically, if you are into shopping for handmade items that are one of a kind or limited editions and enjoy buying them directly from the actually person who made the item, then this is ‘THE’ event to attend. This year the OOAK Show will run from December 6-9, 2012. The perfect time to do all your Christmas shopping for those on your list who are usually hard to shop for.

A few years ago, Etsy teamed up with the OOAK Show to offer the opportunity for emerging designers to present their work at the show for half the usual booth cost. Those select few who are accepted into the show will have the pleasure of presenting their crafts to over 60,000 shoppers. I’m filling out my application now in hopes that I get to be one of the lucky few selected to go.

Made by Anna M. White

I use to work for one lady who has been selling at the OOAK Show for years. She is a jewelry designer and says that the sales from the show help to carry her through the slower months after the holiday rush. Well, that’s a good enough reason for me to apply.

If you are an Etsy seller and interested in the OOAK Show, please click here to learn about the requirements and to download an application.

For more information about the OOAK Show and to see pictures and video’s from last year’s show click here.

Oh Channing

So, I go away from my computer for a couple of weeks only to come back and see I’ve had over six thousand hits on my site in one day. Why the sudden jump in views. Well, apparently its all because of Channing Tatum. Now that he is in the spotlight with the recent film, Magic Mike, his name is ‘hot stuff’. Of course it doesn’t hurt that my past mention of Tatum on my blog also included a hot picture of him.

Since this is a knitting blog I feel it is my duty to only show pictures when the person is actually wearing knitwear such as the following. . .

What the hell, this is Channing Tatum. For someone this sexy, I’ll make an exception. Enjoy. . . (and yes, you’re welcome.)


My Cowl Is In Knitscene Accessories 2012!

Yup, you read that title correctly. I just had the honor of having one of my designs published in Knitscene magazine. Yes, it’s a secret that I’ve been keeping from all of you for some time now, but don’t you think it was worth the wait?

Knitscene Accessories Magazine

This week, I opened the mailbox to see a package from Interweave waiting for me. Inside was a complimentary copy of the Knitscene Accessories 2012 issue along with a tearsheet of the layout and pattern that I can use in my portfolio.

I love the layout and the model that they used. The whole image is fun and funky. Both yarns used in the cowl are from Knit Collage and they were yummy to work with. A simple pattern that even after two martinis you could still knit without any mistakes. 😉

Moon Rings Cowl

The whole process of working with such a well-known company was a great learning experience for me. Anyone who has ever considered submitting a design to any of the Interweave publications, I strongly encourage you to do so. I honestly didn’t think I had a snowball chance in hell of getting published. I just submitted my design to get in the practice of submitting to companies and look what happened!

Moon Rings Cowl by ME!

Thank you God and thank you to everyone at Knitscene for this wonderful opportunity!