A Hat For Tristan

Saturday 9:00 pm Liver Chick sets out what clothes she wants to wear for birthday party tomorrow.

Saturday 9:15 pm Liver Chick has a panic attack in realizing she forgot to buy a gift for the birthday boy.

Saturday 9:45 pm After going through several options, Liver Chick decides- against her common sense- to knit something, no matter how long she has to stay up. Sleep be damned!

Saturday 10:00 pm Cast on stitches for a boy’s slouchy hat

Sunday 1:27 am Binds off and starts stitching the hat closed

Sunday 1:40am Satisfied with her outstanding feat and skills, Liver Chick makes a note to herself to offer up a skein of silk to the knitting gods for their help and then collapses on her bed and sleeps

Sunday 9:20 am Liver Chick over sleeps and rushes to get ready

Sunday 10:45 am Liver Chick hurries to wrap gift while ride is on its way

Sunday 12:23 pm Arrives at party that is in the middle of nowhere Arizona!

Sunday 3: 18 pm Liver Chick captures the cutest picture ever! (Oh, and the birthday boy looks nice too!)


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