First Sock Design Rejection

Well, last week I got my first sock pattern rejected by the online knitting and crochet magazine, Tangled.   It was the Sunset In Sedona sock that I posted on the site Sunday.

I figured that as I make and submit socks for consideration in magazines, any that get rejected will be posted on Ravelry for all of you to enjoy.

It’s odd, but I don’t feel at all bad about being rejected. I was able to create a pair of wonderful socks in a yarn that I love  and I finally sat down a wrote out a sock pattern- which wasn’t too painful. The best part is that I got to share it with all of you. So that makes me happy.

One of my friends jokingly congratulated me on my rejection. “Your first rejection? That’s great! Now you’re just two more rejections away from being offered a book deal.”

Well, it would be nice if that happened. But until then, I’ll just keep knitting more socks and seeing where this yarn covered road takes me.