September In Is Vogue!

If you haven’t heard then you’ve been stuck in the house knitting alone in the bedroom for far too long. Turn off the TV- trust me, your recordings of Glee and Doctor Who will be there when you get back. Now is the time to grab your girlfriends and gear up for an event that’s even better than the kids going back to school.

VK Live! In Los Angeles 2011

That’s Right! The show that took New York by storm is making its way to the other fabulous coast with plans to make the event ever bit as tantalizing as a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive!
Don’t believe me? How about a  Red Carpet Marketplace Champagne Preview hosted by Deborah Norville. Yes, you read that right. THE Deborah Norville, anchor of Inside Edition will host VIP registered attendees as they stroll, with drinks in hand, to get first dibs on all the good stuff an hour before the market opens to the general public.
You can also attend the Gala Dinner & Fashion Show  which will feature a talk with the master colorist that all color work knitters bow down to- Kaffe Fassett.
And treat yourself to the creme de la creme of classes offered by such celebrity names as Meg Swansen, Cookie A., Shannon Okey, Shirley Paden and Nicky Epstein – just to name a few.
If you need more convincing of why you should go, maybe you should take a peek at what you missed at the New York Show:

A ‘Right’ Way To Knit?

So, remember when I told you that I was unfortunate enough to go to the emergency room with out my knitting? Well, I eventually did get my knitting and enjoyed the remaining time I had in the hospital knitting a nice hat for my daughter’s godfather.


During my knitting I was stopped by a nurse who informed me that she had been knitting for years and was curious as to what I was casting on my needles. I showed her the picture from the page I had torn out of the magazine, (yes, I tear pages out of knitting magazines. I’m such an anarchist!), and then continued on my merry little way of casting on. Then the nurse asked me the one question that gets to be every time. “How do you knit?”


Why this question bugs me, I really don’t know. It could be from the fact that over the years I have had countless knitters stare at the way I knit, explained to me that I was doing it wrong and then proceeded to try and teach me the ‘right’ way to knit. (FYI- I knit forwards and backwards, and my little rabbit doesn’t go through the front door or the front gate- it goes through the back of the loop. My bunny likes it in the backdoor. *smirk*)

Usually, when this question comes up I have several sarcastic remarkes that run through my head. “How do you knit?”

– With two sticks and yarn.

– With my hands.

– Without listening to you ask questions.

– Very well, thank you for asking.

But the proper young lady that I am gets the best of me and my only response is, “I knit a little different from most knitters”.

“Well, I’ll show you how I knit”, and the nurse took the needles and yarn out of my hand to show me how she knits. That’s right, you heard me, She TOOK my needles and yarn and started knitting with them. (Note to any new knitters out there or any knit muggles -aka-  people who don’t knit: Never remove needles and yarn from any knitter’s hands without full verbal permission in front of witnesses or with a notarized statement of permission. To remove such items from the knitter without permission may result in being impaled and hung by the very needles and yarn you thought you had a right to touch.)

“See, I knit continental style but I prefer to hold my yarn this way to keep tension…” At this point, I could care less if she held the yarn in her mouth to keep tension, I just wanted my needles back. “Well, let me show you how I do it”, I interrupted her. Needles and yarn safely back in my hands I started on a few stitches.

“Oh, you just throw your yarn.” She stared. “ Wow, I’m not sure what kind of knitting that is. That’s a bit different. You sure you’re knitting the right way? I’ve never seen  stitches like that. Well, enjoy making your hat.” The nurse walked away and left me with a small half finished row of her stitches next to mine, which did not make for a pretty sight.

So, as I frogged the whole thing and began casting on again, I wondered why the big deal about how someone knits? I remember reading an article by Meg Swansen which pretty much talked about the fact that there is no such thing as a ‘right’ way to knit. If you like knitting a certain way and you get the results that you want, then that’s all that matters.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy learning different techniques as much as the next knitter, but I hate this feeling among knitters to define yourself based on your knitting style. “Hi, my name is Michelle and I knit Eastern combination with tension in the left hand over the index finger“.

Continental style knitting. English style. Russian-style continental knitting. Norwegian purl. Eastern Combined knitting. Portuguese Knitting. They are all wonderful techniques to learn. But at the end of the day I frankly could care less how you knit, just finish the damn sweater that’s been sitting in your knitting bag for the last three years! Seriously, I’m tired of looking at it.