September In Is Vogue!

If you haven’t heard then you’ve been stuck in the house knitting alone in the bedroom for far too long. Turn off the TV- trust me, your recordings of Glee and Doctor Who will be there when you get back. Now is the time to grab your girlfriends and gear up for an event that’s even better than the kids going back to school.

VK Live! In Los Angeles 2011

That’s Right! The show that took New York by storm is making its way to the other fabulous coast with plans to make the event ever bit as tantalizing as a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive!
Don’t believe me? How about a  Red Carpet Marketplace Champagne Preview hosted by Deborah Norville. Yes, you read that right. THE Deborah Norville, anchor of Inside Edition will host VIP registered attendees as they stroll, with drinks in hand, to get first dibs on all the good stuff an hour before the market opens to the general public.
You can also attend the Gala Dinner & Fashion Show  which will feature a talk with the master colorist that all color work knitters bow down to- Kaffe Fassett.
And treat yourself to the creme de la creme of classes offered by such celebrity names as Meg Swansen, Cookie A., Shannon Okey, Shirley Paden and Nicky Epstein – just to name a few.
If you need more convincing of why you should go, maybe you should take a peek at what you missed at the New York Show: